(Amalfi 1863 - Napoli 1920)
Of Pietro Scoppetta (Amalfi 1863 – Napoli 1920), the most famous name of Maiori Painters, at his time known like an international artist, we disclose two works, representative of a genre, of female portrait that, with the landscape of an Amalfi subject, will be the artistic and commercial success by the painter. These two works, dating between 1910 and 1916, allow the artist to participate to the euphoric season of the neapolitan belle epoque, and allow him to assert himself (completed his frequent stays in Paris) in important exhibitions, thanks to female pictures pervaded by sensuality that retrieves the exhausted and linear strokes of Helleu, or last Boldini.
Ritratto di fanciulla
oil on canvas
cm 37×37
Salerno, Private collection

Giovane donna con cappello nero
oil on paperboard laid down on board
cm 46×30
Private collection